At Millennium Dynamics we exist because we love the field of Aerospace Engineering. Listed below are the company's current capabilities but as a company we take joy in new work and therefore are willing to find the necessary experts to accomplish the tasks we set out to perform.
- Aeroelastic response and stability analysis
- Ground Vibration Testing
- Structural Health Monitoring (including crack and delamination dectecting)
- LDV Scanning Mechanism
- Stepper Motor Control
- Actuator Dynamics Testing
- System Dynamic Testing
- Real Time Count
- MDC is exploring the use of Sandia Lab's MDO toolkit, DAKOTA. We are currently coupling ZAERO aerodynamic analysis and finite element software.
- MDC uses a 64 node (2 CPUs per node) computer cluster in support of computation fluid design, structural analysis, neural networks, and flight simulation.
- Aerodynamic and static loads testing models
- Dynamically scaled models for flutter buffet and gust response controlled testing